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Oktoberfest Sponsor Page:

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Oktoberfest! Becoming a sponsor allows you to show your support for scouting and promote your business at the event. There are several tiers for sponsors outlined below. Feel free to choose a level that suits you or reach out to our Sponsor Coordinator at any time.  

Patrick Roscio,

Sponsor coordinator

Sponsor levels

We value each and everyone of our sponsors. Thank you in advance for helping make this event a success!

Eagle Tier:

For donations of $150 or more, Eagle Tier sponsors receive a full page add in our event pamphlet, Company signage displayed at the event, and a mention in our slideshow! Thank you for your incredible support of our event!

Life Tier:

For donations of $100 or more. Life Tier sponsors receive a half-page add in our event pamphlet, mention on our Life Tier signage at the event, and a mention in our slideshow! Thank you for your incredible support of our event.

Star Tier: 

For donations of $75 or more, Star Tier sponsors receive a quarter-page add in our event pamphlet and a mention in our slideshow. Thank you for your incredible support of our event.

First-Class Sponsor:

For donations of $50 or more, First-Class Tier sponsors receive a mention in our event pamphlet and our slideshow! Thank you for your support of our event.

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